Selected work


Automation for Confluence

Confluence was the first product team to platformize the Automation feature. With the product strategy decision to take the existing, low maturity experience and build Automation for Confluence on Forge (Atlassian’s serverless development platform), the Confluence team was on unchartered territory because we were designing and building on a new framework. This decision meant that I had to understand the maturity of a new UI kit and plan for incremental updates.

The early access program released in May 2022 and had a rule completion rate of 55.7%. In comparison, when Automation for Jira released the feature in 2019 it had a 19.8% completion rate. Reflecting back on the impact of this project, it wouldn’t have been possible without platform and product designers driving cross-functional ideation. This was especially tricky because we were working in 3 very unforgiving time zones and there were several stakeholders. Communication, documentation, and patience became key elements for success. Leaning in to the blogging culture of Atlassian, I communicated my learnings about establishing product accents on a platform feature which enabled product and design partners to have a more shared understanding of the project and each others’ work. By driving the early access program customer study to test design iterations I was able to ultimately inform the long-term roadmap of this high impact, high value feature.

External Collaboration

A key problem with enterprise software is bringing in external collaborators in a safe, secure, and scalable way. To solve for this, Guests in Confluence Premium was released in June 2021 via an early access program (EAP).

The EAP feature was released with paid licensing and there were heated community discussions about this so I had to turn to customers to learn more about their pain points. The second approach I used to ground the team in customer needs was empathy journeys. These journeys were crafted to solve the problem of how can admins easily audit guests in their organization to ensure that guests are given the correct access. Instead of rushing to a GA release with the same feature which would have catered to 40% of EAP customers I pushed hard for the team to align on Atlassian’s value of don’t f*ck the customer. Licence-free single-space Guests was needed for the Beta release so that we could cater to the  estimated 90% of customers. Influencing product decisions around licensing lead to a strategic shift in guiding principles and success metrics from monetization to virality. The feedback from customers about licensing proved that it was more critical than the team initially thought. The principles and proposed experience changes laid the foundation for not just the Beta and general release of the Guests feature but it also laid the foundation for the team to explore cross-product external collaboration features.


Cisco Services redesign

Service Profile is the first product touchpoint for Cisco’s cloud customers and needs to be a seamless experience. However, legacy design, poor information architecture and unintelligent content was hampering end user adoption. The goal of this project was to improve the service creation workflow and make lives of service admins easier.

As the UX lead on this project I worked on the following areas:

  • User Research: Collaborating with sales engineers and doing literature reviews to understand the problem space. Conducting feedback sessions with customers on the usability of designs.

  • Design Strategy: Defining goals and metrics for success.

  • Interaction Design: UI wireframing and Prototyping.

Metrics for success:

  • Relevancy: Show contextual content based on chosen service type.

  • Managed dependencies: Dependencies between service and app profiles should be surfaced in the UI.

Clarity Advisor

Pitney Bowes, a print mailing solutions leader, has high SLA penalties for every second of machine downtime. These machines have hundreds of moving parts and whenever a stoppage alarm is triggered, the service technician is tasked with identifying, diagnosing and resolving the issue with the goal to minimize downtime. The Clarity™ Advisor solution, built on GE Digital's Predix platform, is a maintenance and diagnostics tool catered to the print mailing industry.

I inherited this project from a senior designer when the application was in version 1.3 and I lead all design initiatives for three major release cycles. My main responsibilities have included:

  • User Research: Collaborating with primary and secondary users at client's site to understand pain points.

  • Interaction Design: High level design strategy, UI framework and wireframing, Prototyping in InVision as well as JSFiddle and stakeholder presentations.

  • Visual Design: Designing production-ready visuals.


Sigma onboarding

Sigma provides a familiar visual interface for business experts to easily analyze cloud data. To fulfill this value proposition, the product onboarding must be quick, painless, and easy-to-navigate. Previously, many users got into their Sigma environment and didn’t know what to do or how the product works, and approx. 60% of people who signed up didn’t convert into active users.

Some of my main responsibilities included Design Research, Content Strategy, Information Architecture, Interaction Design, Visual Design and Prototyping. Onboarding was a very important project to understand users’ falloff points. Worksheets form the backbone of the product and this project increased user engagement with worksheets by 20% and overall product adoption by 25%. This was also one of the first projects where the design team conducted in-depth user research along with multiple usability tests, which influenced the design process every step of the way. It also helped leadership see the value in allowing the design team access to end users to deliver better quality product experiences.

Mayo Clinic design aid

Depression affects millions of Americans each year. Yet, the conversation between doctor and patient, can be difficult. How can a decision aid, one which presents issues that patients care about, be designed to facilitate patient-doctor conversations during the clinical encounter? My main responsibilities for this project included:

  • User Research: Working with researchers at Mayo Clinic's Knowledge and Evaluation Research (KER) Unit to observe interactions between depression patients and doctors.

  • Interaction Design: Identifying design goals, formulating design strategy, creating wireframes and interactive prototypes.

  • Visual Design: Designing production-ready visuals for the application.

Prototype | Process book